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Curriculum Statement

“A high-quality language education will provide our pupils with a solid foundation for language learning that encourages and enables them to apply their skills, facilitating future study and potentially opening opportunities to study or work abroad in the future. Our curriculum aims to instill a love of language learning and awareness of other cultures. We want our children to develop the confidence to communicate in both written and spoken French for practical purposes.”

Our French curriculum

Learning a foreign language is a necessary part of being a member of a multi-cultural society and provides an opening to other cultures. A high-quality languages education should spark children’s curiosity and deepen their understanding of the world, including the global connectedness between cultures.  We believe this is important to help our children at Otley All Saints C.E. Primary School become global citizens of the future. 

Within our French curriculum, through phonology, vocabulary and grammar, our children will gain strong phonetic knowledge that enables them to converse confidently and support many literacy skills..  When children leave Otley All Saints C.E Primary, they will have curiosity and confidence to explore other countries, cultures and languages and have skills for potential future travel or work. 

We also want our children to develop a cultural awareness and appreciation for France as a country. This is done through, for example, a French café, led by Year 6 in September to raise money for Macmillan.  Other classes will also have one-off lessons that link to other French cultural traditions.  Our children in EYFS  learn that there are different countries in the world and develop some recognition of France.  Other key learning opportunities in EYFS & KS1 may involve the register being said in French, and games such as  ‘Tête, épaules, genoux et pieds.’


We believe our French curriculum will help to foster children’s interest in languages, not just French, and that they will develop key knowledge and skills to take them forward in their education beyond Otley All Saints.

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Year 6  - describing Otley

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Year 6 French Cafe - raising money for Macmillan Cancer Support

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Year 6  - contents of a school bag

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French Learning Websites

Your child can access the Language Angels app at home by visiting the Apple store (from any Apple device) and searching for ‘Language Angels’.  The app includes interactive games and karaoke for the children to engage with at home and it’s completely free to all our children.  There is an android version now available too.  The app is completely safe for your child to use and there is no way for children to be able to contact or interact with anyone else on the app.  They need to login with these details to have access to all the interactive games and karaoke videos:

Username: la2023app

Password: la2023app

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You can also go to for your child to access their own area.  See your child’s class teacher for login information.  These will be stuck in Year 5 and Year 6 planners.

The BBC Bitesize page also has lots of great games and learning that link to your child’s learning in class:

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