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Reception Class Page

Reception Teaching Team

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Mrs Steele

Class Teacher

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Mrs Johnston

Teaching Assistant

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Mrs Raybould

Teaching Assistant

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Mrs Fawcett

Teaching Assistant

Mrs Steele is the Reception class teacher and she is also delighted to lead the dedicated team of Global Champions in school.  She  loves working in early years and seeing the children make huge progress in their skills and abilities.  Mrs Steele is supported by Mrs Johnston Monday to Friday and Mrs Raybould Monday, Tuesdays and Wednesday mornings.  The Reception class is an exciting and busy place to be and the children are actively involved in learning through play.


Our Early Years provision is recognised as a beacon of good practice in the local area, and we are continually working hard to develop provision in our beautiful outside area as well as in the classroom.  Children are encouraged to develop their independence, responding to carefully planned activities which inspire and excite their interest.

PE days

PE takes place on the following days:


  • Tuesday

  • Friday

Children need to come into school in their PE uniform on their PE days


In Reception, we encourage the children to complete the following homework on a weekly basis:


  • A maths or  phonics activity will be sent home each week. These will be in the children’s Rocket book and will be given out on a Friday and returned to school on a Thursday.

Reception curriculum map edit Sept 2024_
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